Saturday, September 24, 2011

Honestly, is not you

Someone precious is a person you will never know why'd she/he could on that precious word. Someone precious is a mother or father whom the blood was on your atrium right now. Someone precious, maybe just somebody perfectly make you drowning on a missing. Someone precious? maybe... actually you do not have anyone precious.

Precious was the name mostly wanted in this world. It just a mean which concept a big accidentally tragedy which will always set you as the left out rubbish.

Honestly, is not you.


  1. Mira, kadang inspiratif itu berawal dari sebuah ketidaksengajaan dan membuatnya menjadi tentram dan menentramkan... mungkin juga bukan karena sebuah kecocokan... ngerti nggak? ^_^a

  2. ya, mas, mmm tapi ane ga ngerti --"
    he he he ampun..
    tapi pernyataan bahwa inspirasi mengalir walaupun tanpa kesengajaan untuk kemudian membuatnya jadi sesuatu yang tentram menentramkan saya ga bisa nolak, walaupun ga ngerti perubungannya dengan hal kecocokan? :)
